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8 Simple Ways to conserve water and save money

With more news of droughts and with the world looking for ways to be more environmentally friendly, conserving water is something to start putting into practice in your home. Not only will you be doing some good for the environment, but you can reduce your energy and water bills!


  1. OFF WHEN YOU BRUSH | When you brush your teeth, only have the water running when you first wet your brush and when you need to rinse your mouth at the end. This small little change will have a larger impact down the road. When you start practicing, it will quickly become habit.
  2. OFF WHEN YOU WASH | When washing your hands, turn off the water when you’re scrubbing them. Only turn the water on to initially wet your hands and then at the end to rinse off the soap.
  3. FIX LEAKS | Leaks are inconspicuous water wasters. A leaky faucet can go unnoticed for a long time. Whether you decide to do it yourself or call a plumber to inspect your entire house for leaks, just fix it. Something this small can shave dollars off your water bill too!
  4. SHOWER SMART | There are two ways you can conserve water while showering. One way is to cut down on the time you spend in the shower. Sure, you can get lost in shower thoughts, but think of the money you can save instead! If you have kids, a good suggestion is to use a timer and make a game out of it for them. The other way to conserve water in the shower is by placing a bucket to catch the water that comes out while you wait for that perfect temperature. It sounds a little odd, but it can be useful! Use the water in the bucket later to water your plants, fill your Brita container, or anything else you use water for!
  5. FIXTURE REMODEL | Take a look at your fixtures and appliances that use water. When was the last time you changed them out? Consider making changes such as aerating faucets, water efficient shower heads, and energy and water efficient washing machines and dishwashers. Doing a remodel like this can save you big on the water bill and will pay off in the end.
  6. WAIT TIL IT’S FULL | Don’t run your dishwasher until it’s full. Follow this same rule for your washing machine and double your savings! These machines easily use up gallons of water.
  7. WATCH YOUR BILL | Review your water bill each month and look for any out of the ordinary spikes. If you see sudden changes in your bill in the wrong direction, call a plumber to inspect your lines.
  8. MORNING WATERING | Temperatures are cooler in the morning; therefore, you’ll be using less water. The cooler temperatures mean less evaporating water and more for your plants and lawn. However, avoid watering in the evening as this may increase the risk of mold.

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